I. Walking With God.
- Oh! for a closer walk with God,
- A calm and heavenly frame;
II. Jehovah-Jireh. The Lord Will Provide.
- The saints should never be dismay'd,
- Nor sink in hopeless fear;
III. Jehovah-Rophi. I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee.
- Heal us, Emmanuel! here we are,
- Waiting to feel Thy touch:
IV. Jehovah-Nissi. The Lord My Banner.
- By whom was David taught
- To aim the deadly blow,
V. Jehovah-Shalom. The Lord Send Peace.
- Jesus! whose blood so freely stream'd
- To satisfy the law's demand;
VI. Wisdom
- "Ere God had built the mountains,
- Or raised the fruitful hills;
VII. Vanity of the World.
- God gives his mercies to be spent;
- Your hoard will do your soul no good.
VIII. O Lord, I Will Praise Thee
- I will praise Thee every day
- Now Thine anger's turn'd away;
IX. The Contrite Heart
- The Lord will happiness divine
- On contrite hearts bestow;
X. The Future Peace and Glory of the Church
- Hear what God the Lord hath spoken,
- "O my people, faint and few,
XI. Jehovah Our Righteousness.
- My God, how perfect are Thy ways!
- But mine polluted are;
XII. Ephraim Repenting.
- My God, till I received Thy stroke,
- How like a beast was I!
XIII. The Covenant.
- The Lord proclaims His grace abroad!
- "Behold, I change your hearts of stone;
XIV. Jehovah-Shammah.
- As birds their infant brood protect,
- And spread their wings to shelter them,
XV. Praise for the Fountain Opened.
- There is a fountain fill'd with blood,
- Drawn from Emmanuel's veins;
XVI. The Sower.
- Ye sons of earth prepare the plough,
- Break up your fallow ground;
XVII. The House of Prayer.
- Thy mansion is the Christian's heart,
- O Lord, Thy dwelling place secure!
XVIII. Lovest Thou Me?
- Hark my soul! it is the Lord;
- 'Tis Thy Saviour, hear His word;
XIX. Contentment.
- Fierce passions discompose the mind,
- As tempests vex the sea,
XX. Old Testament Gospel
- Israel in ancient days
- Not only had a view
XXI. Sardis.
- "Write to Sardis," saith the Lord,
- "And write what He declares,
XXII. Prayer for Children.
- Bestow, dear Lord, upon our youth,
- The gift of saving grace;
XXIII. Pleading for and with Youth.
- Sin has undone our wretched race;
- But Jesus has restored,
XXIV. Prayer for Children
- Gracious Lord, our children see,
- By Thy mercy we are free;
XXV. Jehovah Jesus.
- My song shall bless the Lord of all,
- My praise shall climb to His abode;
XXVI. On Opening a Place for Social Prayer.
- Jesus! where'er Thy people meet,
- There they behold Thy mercy seat;
XXVII. Welcome to the Table.
- This is the feast of heavenly wine,
- And God invites to sup;
XXVIII. Jesus Hasting to Suffer.
- The Saviour, what a noble flame
- Was kindled in his breast,
XXIX. Exhortation to Prayer.
- What various hindrances we meet
- In coming to a mercy seat!
XXX. The Light and Glory of the Word.
- The Spirit breathes upon the word,
- And brings the truth to sight;
XXXI. On the Death of a Minister.
- His master taken from his head,
- Elisha saw him go;
XXXII. The Shining Light.
- My former hopes are fled,
- My terror now begins;
XXXIII. The Waiting Soul
- Breathe from the gentle south, O Lord,
- And cheer me from the north;
XXXIV. Seeking the Beloved.
- To those who love the Lord I speak;
- Is my Beloved near?
XXXV. Welcome Cross.
- 'Tis my happiness below
- Not to live without the cross,
XXXVI. Afflictions Sanctified by the Word.
- Oh how I love Thy holy Word,
- Thy gracious covenant, O Lord!
XXXVII. Temptation.
- The billows swell, the winds are high,
- Clouds overcast my wintry sky;
XXXVIII. Looking Upwards in a Storm.
- God of my life, to Thee I call,
- Afflicted at Thy feet I fall;
XXXIX. The Valley of the Shadow of Death.
- My soul is sad, and much dismay'd;
- See, Lord, what legions of my foes,
XL. Peace after a Storm.
- When darkness long has veil'd my mind,
- And smiling day once more appears,
XLI. Mourning and Longing.
- The Saviour hides His face;
- My spirit thirsts to prove
XLII. Self-Acquaintance.
- Dear Lord! accept a sinful heart,
- Which of itself complains,
XLIII. Prayer for Patience.
- Lord, who hast suffer'd all for me,
- My peace and pardon to procure,
XLIV. Submission
- O Lord, my best desire fultil,
- And help me to resign
| XLV. The Happy Change.
- How bless'd Thy creature is, O God,
- When with a single eye,
| XLVI. Retirement.
- Far from the world, O Lord, I flee,
- From strife and tumult far;
| XLVII. The Hidden Life.
- To tell the Saviour all my wants,
- How pleasing is the task!
| XLVIII. Joy and Peace in Believing.
- Sometimes a light surprises
- The Christian while he sings;
| XLIX. True Pleasures.
- Lord, my soul with pleasure springs
- When Jesu's name I hear:
| L. The Christian
- Honor and happiness unite
- To make the Christian's name a praise;
| LI. Lively Hope and Gracious Fear.
- I was a grovelling creature once,
- And basely cleaved to earth:
| LII. For the Poor.
- When Hagar found the bottle spent
- And wept o'er Ishmael,
| LIII. My Soul Thirsteth for God.
- I thirst, but not as once I did,
- The vain delights of earth to share;
| LIV. Love Constrained to Obedience.
- No strength of nature can suffice
- To serve the Lord aright:
| LV. The Heart Healed and Changed by Mercy.
- Sin enslaved me many years,
- And led me bound and blind;
| LVI. Hatred of Sin.
- Holy Lord God! I love Thy truth,
- Nor dare Thy least commandment slight;
| LVII. The New Convert.
- The new-born child of gospel grace,
- Like some fair tree when summer's nigh,
| LVIII. True and False Comforts
- O God, whose favorable eye,
- The sin-sick soul revives,
| LIX. A Living and a Dead Faith.
- The Lord receives his highest praise
- From humble minds and hearts sincere;
| LX. Abuse of the Gospel.
- Too many, Lord, abuse Thy grace
- In this licentious day,
| LXI. The Narrow Way.
- What thousands never knew the road!
- What thousands hate it when 'tis known!
| LXII. Dependence.
- To keep the lamp alive,
- With oil we fill the bowl;
| LXIII. Not Works.
- Grace, triumphant in the throne,
- Scorns a rival, reigns alone;
| LXIV. Praise for Faith.
- Of all the gifts Thine hand bestows,
- Thou Giver of all good!
| LXV. Grace and Providence
- Almighty King! whose wondrous hand
- Supports the weight of sea and land;
| LXVI. I Will Praise the Lord at All Times
- Winter has a joy for me,
- While the Saviour's charms I read,
| LXVII. Longing to be with Christ.
- To Jesus, the crown of my hope,
- My soul is in haste to be gone;
| LXVIII. Light Shining out of Darkness.
- God moves in a mysterious way
- His wonders to perform;