TRIVIAL Waste of Time

©1994,1995,1999 by Steve Spanoudis, All Rights Reserved Worldwide

  1. Arthur Miller

  2. Doris Day

  3. Francis Scott Key

  4. Edgar Allen Poe

  5. Jacob Bronowski

  6. George Orwell

  7. Henry Shaw

  8. Sally Ride

  9. Plato

  10. Six

  11. Chico, by 2 years

  12. Back to silents

  13. T.S. Eliot

  14. In a car accident

  15. Isaac Asimov

  16. Amelia Earhart

  17. Corsica

  18. Abagail Adams

  19. Lon Cheney

  20. W.C. Fields

  21. Sleepy Hollow Hill

  22. Butch Cassidy

  23. Captain Ronald Reagan

  24. Asbury park, NJ

  25. Lawrence of Arabia

  26. Mary Ann Evans

  27. A Gardinia

  28. Florence, Italy

  29. Bobby Fischer

  30. Marshall Field

  31. David Bowie

  32. Baron von Richthofen

  33. Walter Cronkite

  34. Anne Sullivan

  35. Alice Cooper

  36. Billie Holiday

  37. Jingle Bells

  38. Baseball

  39. Silversmith

  40. His Nose

  41. William F. Cody

  42. Cher

  43. Lt. Philip Nolan

  44. Douglas [Wrong Way] Corrigan

  45. Gladys Smith

  46. Dentist

  47. New Zealand

  48. Run a bicycle shop.

  49. Four

  50. Free at last

  51. Eric Stanley Gardner

  52. Stevie Wonder

  53. 18

  54. Eleanor Rooseveldt, in 1932

  55. Anne Hathaway

  56. The Bathroom

  57. Halleys Comet

  58. Amelia Earhart

  59. Alex Haley

  60. Woodrow Wilson

  61. Queen Elizabeth II

  62. Anita Bryant

  63. Al Capone

  64. Ronald Reagan

  65. Lauren Bacall

  66. Mahatma Gandhi

  67. Edward Kennedy Ellington

  68. Jazz musician Louis Armstrong

  69. Edith Hamilton

  70. Corazon Aquino

  71. Ayatullah Khoneini

  72. Don Ameche

  73. Jacques Cousteau

  74. Frank Zappa

  75. It was the Machine of the Year: The Computer